Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Winter Break

My last day of finals is tomorrow and then I get to enjoy winter break for a whole 5 weeks! I'm staying at school this year to continue riding Emmy and Johnny and also to school horses at the college. That's a lot of riding!

I decided that this summer I want to go back to showing in the all around with Johnny and Emmy. I've been prepping Johnny for his winter break boot camp! Emmy is getting ready to come back into work also...I think I'm probably going to put her back under saddle tomorrow and see how she goes. I wanted to work her yesterday but she took a nick out of her ankle in the pasture and came in covered in bloody snow, so I cleaned her up and wrapped it. I'll be there tonight to check it out and hopefully she will be fine to ride tomorrow!

I'm working on a training schedule for both of them for the next 5 weeks...I'll post it when I get it figured out! I'm also going to take some pictures tomorrow of Johnny :)


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Some New Goals

Johnny has been really good lately! I've got one more week last of class and then finals next week and then winter break for 5 weeks!!!

Johnny is prepping this week to begin his boot camp over the winter holiday. I still have a goal set for us to go to the Standardbred National Championship Horse Show (hopefully this year!) but I also want to start showing this summer in versatility classes. My friend, M, is REALLY good at showmanship (she shows miniature horses in showmanship and halter and has a two time reserve world champion showmanship horse) and started working with Johnny yesterday. She's going to get him going really well in showmanship! Their first lesson yesterday was really good. Johnny has done a little showmanship and halter before but never really seriously. M is going to work with him and get him going good!

We are also in the market for a new western saddle that will fit Johnny better so that I can start doing him in western pleasure or trail events as well. I want him to start doing some English and Western pleasure classes as well as the hunters and the jumpers...I want a very well rounded horse!

I'm going to try to get some new photos of Johnny this week :)

Emmy on the other hand, is going to be getting some time off I think. I free lunged her yesterday in the arena and she was a little reluctant to pick up her left lead. I'm thinking that shes a little sore :(