Thursday, September 27, 2018

For The Love of a Horse

I’m sorry that I’ve been MIA this past week but shit, what a week it’s been.

Last Tuesday, I got a call from my neighbor who has Johnny up the road. She was calling to tell me that Johnny had been choking since breakfast that morning (it was now 6:00 in the evening) and that he wasn’t doing well. I suggested that it was time to call the vet, to which she simply stated that she could not afford.

The rest is a phenomenally long story, that at this point, I’m just tired of telling and don’t feel right relaying over the internet, but I will say this: through the help and generosity of some AMAZING friends of mine, Johnny was able to receive medical treatment the following morning, and by that evening he was back at my house, safe and sound and ready to start his long road to recovery.

Over the years, my husband has asked me time and time again why I go out of my way to help people who don’t always seem like they might reciprocate. My answer to him has always been the same; someday I hope, that when I need it most, those people will come through for me.

And they did. Every single one of them.

Keep spreading your goodness throughout this world my friends, karma is a thing. Those people that you helped will be there for you. And I thank God every day that they were, because without them, Johnny would not be here today.



  1. Oh no, what a crazy time! I am glad you were able to have Johnny return to you and that he is OK!

    1. Thank you! Me too! He is ok in the choking department but far from ok in several other departments unfortunately 😭
