Sunday, September 16, 2018


After trying several times without success yesterday, I FINALLY got both horses ridden today.

Cool came out of his stall still somewhat sour looking, but seemed to have a much better attitude once he realized that I was going to put his hoof boots on him. I really do think that he likes his special Dr. Schols!
Killian sat ringside in the Pack-N-Play while I rode Cool. He cried for a little while but finally just gave up and sat there playing with some toys and occasionally standing up to watch me. As far as riding goes with Killian awake, I would say it went pretty well!

I had set some trot poles earlier in the morning for my rides - a single pole on the quarter line on one long side of the ring and three trot poles (spaced about 4ft apart) on the other long side quarter line. My plan was to work both horses over them but in reality, I didn't do any thing more then walk over them.

Cool felt good coming out of his stall and he trotted off pretty dang sound in his boots. He was quite lazy at first, which sometimes can be an indication of pain for him, so I warmed up nice and slow with him and was careful not to pull on his face or clamp my legs on his sides (both things he hates and things that I'm working on!) I've been riding him in the hackamore lately and I really think that its been a good thing for him. I will probably continue to ride in it for most of the fall/winter, especially for jumping. We just did a very easy ride today; walk and trot with a few canters each direction (mainly just down the long sides.) To the left today, he did throw the wrong lead then first time I asked him to canter, but then did not give me any trouble again. His canter to the right however was GLORIOUS. Reading back through this blog has really inspired me to re-connect with my equitation roots and be a better, more effective and less obstructive, rider. Lately, I've been working really hard at keeping my leg down and soft around Cool's side. He's so often behind the leg that I've gotten in a terrible habit or raking my heel up against his side and turning my toe out way to far. Its a problem that I've been working in earnest to remedy and I think that Cool is appreciative because he's been much happier under saddle. For the first time in a very long time today I was able to really sit and stay with his canter to the right. It was uphill and energetic! The left lead will require more work since its Cool's bad direction, but I have no doubt that it will iron itself out.

My hoof pad combination is still a solid win as far as Coolie is concerned. He seems pretty happy in his boots and pads! The farrier is coming Thursday to see everyone again for a trim.

After my ride on Cool I took Emmy for a quick spin. She was a little wild for an old lady and most DEFINITELY HATES the hackamore. Guess its just the plain ol' bit for Emmy these days!

Everyone is spending tonight out in the pasture. The daytime temps have been in the upper eightys/low nineties (PLUS mega humidity) this past week - its been miserable for my poor ponies and not conducive to much riding for me. I've decided that I am for sure scratching Sweetwater's Combined Test off our schedule for the end of this month. Cool hasn't jumped in forever and with his recent lameness issues I'd rather not push it. Instead, we are taking this month and half of next month to get back to the simple basics of riding. And I'll tell you what, I really feel good doing it.



  1. It sounds like you are on a good path with Cool! I am glad he is staying happy and sound for you in his new boots. :-)
