Laur was the one who initially sorted out Cool for me, and she’s remained a close friend ever since. She’s worked on Johnny several times throughout the course of his many homes, but never with me. I was both excited and terrified to see what she would find. Dee made her weekly visit today as well, and the two of them finally got a chance to meet. Dee also brought with her a borrowed dressage saddle so that we could try it on John. We are both at a little bit of a loss on what type of saddle (if any) to use on his back right now. He’s so UNGODLY weak. We have been doing in hand walking with him but my gut tells me that he really needs someone to ride walk him up and down gentle slopes (like our back pasture) but I can’t find a SINGLE saddle that even comes close to fitting him right now. The one that Dee brought still sat on his huge-@ss withers...and it was a medium-narrow tree!
Anyway, Laur found Johnny to be sensitive and sore EVERYWHERE. Surprising? No. Disheartening to watch him nearly sit down in the crossties a couple times? Yes. Frustrating...infuriating...disappointing...I could go on and on about how upset it makes me to see this happy, resentment-free horse feel the way that he feels. It hurts my heart in so many ways.
Afterwards, John seemed to have lost his earlier “spunk” and he just looked very blah and ouchy. Laur warned that he would, and asked Dee and me to make sure he spent the afternoon in turnout just relaxing.
Cool was actually a bit of a mess too...I hadn’t originally called Laur out to work on him, but with her long history with him, she insisted that she couldn’t leave without rubbing on him too. Cool was appreciative, as always, and Laur worked out some junk on his left side, which he apparently desperately needed.
So, it’s another day off for everyone tomorrow and HOPEFULLY I can get back to work with these horses next week!!!
As Always,
✌🏼 ❤️🐴
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