Sunday, July 26, 2009

An Adirondack Adventure

I've been out of town for the past week in the mountains of New York without internet, hence the reason for my lack of updating. I didn't forget about you guys don't worry!

After a 12 hour drive home, I still managed to make it up to the barn around 9:30pm to clean out Emmy and Johnny's stalls and sneak out into the pasture for a quick visit. T has been taking care of the horses all week for me, but other than a bit of a hack in the park on wednesday, I don't think that the weather has allowed for much riding. I'm counting on the fact that Johnny most likely will need to be lunged tomorrow to calm his brain down a bit before I can accomplish any real work with him. To be perfectly honest, I like him a little bit "high" to lunge because he tend to throw his right lead more consistantly.

Next sunday is the Kiwanis Horse Show, and Johnny and I have only a short amount of time to prep for it. Most of our work is going to be on the flat, working more on his lead, but I plan on jumping him at the beginning of the week so that he is fresh for the weekend. I don't like to jump horses a lot before a horse show. I think overworking them makes them sore and sour and just imposes a dislike for shows. I learned my lesson with the Chagrin Classic though. I am DEFINETLY going to ride better this time and John is DEFINETLY getting braided the morning of. Haha. I am NOT redoing the middle section of his mane four times in the morning because he rubbed between getting his hay and getting his grain. Grrr.... haha.

Speaking of braiding, I also managed to pick up some extra work this week braiding for an old friend who is taking her horse to the County Fair. I'm definetly not saying no to any extra jobs for the rest of the summer. I need to make as much money as possible if I want to take Johnny to school in August. My friend from California leased Emmy last year and this year is looking for something a little younger and a little "fresher." She saw Johnny's pictures on my facebook and asked if he was available. I told her that, of coarse he was available, but also warned that he is a Standardbred and is still green as a riding horse. She didn't seem to mind. The only problem is that she won't be back in Ohio until right before school starts, which of coarse is too late for me to book a stall anywhere if she likes him. Last year she leased Emmy almost sight unseen, and the pair ended up being a perfect match. She jumped her once around a course and signed the contract the next day, but Johnny is not as well trained, as broke, or as experienced as Emmy was. We came to the agreement that I would start shopping for a boarding barn (board at the school is much too expensive this year, even to split for a half lease) and then video Johnny next weekend at the horse show and send her the video, which of coarse, makes Johnny's and my performance even more crucial. We cannot have a repeat of the Classic.

But for now, I am heading off to bed after a long day of traveling. More tomorrow.


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